· By Erin Goodwin
How to break free from wellness fads
Your time is precious, your needs are unique and your energy is limited. So, when your algorithm is overwhelming you with wellness fads you have to try... developing discernment, or knowing when something is or isn't for you, is an invaluable skill.
To support you, we have put together our top tips to make sense of the wellness trend vacuum, and get clear on what is *actually* best for you.
Do what you love
Do you really want that green juice? If not, we are giving you full permission to take it off your list. It's easier to stick to habits we actually enjoy, so ask yourself: What do you value? What makes you feel good in your body? Is there anything you are doing just because you think you 'should'? Use these answers as filtering devices when you decide whether or not to incorporate something into your routine.
Listen to your body
Your body knows what it needs, and will tell you if you give it the space. When you can, connect with your body without distraction, and see what comes up. Practice mindfulness, meditation, yoga, take a short walk or any other kind of movement you love. Remember, developing a relationship with your body can take time, but the more space you give yourself to listen, the more often you will be able to hear its messages.
Drop Comparison
We know, we know, easier said than done, but bear with us here! Your goals, values, priorities and capacity are probably different from the people you follow online. Don't have time (or the budget) for a 12 step skincare routine? Drop it! Wellness isn't about perfectionism, it's the cumulative effect of small, actionable changes that aggregate over time. Everything and anything counts. If you need to, unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel pressured or stressed.
Consult Experts You Trust
A certain diet, supplement or lifestyle may have transformed an influencer you love's life, but that doesn't always mean it will work for you too (as much as they might try to tell you otherwise). Fact check claims made by influencers with your medical practitioner, and find experts you trust to tell you the truth.
Wishing you wellness on your own terms,
The Rise Centered Team