By Erin Goodwin

How To Practice Slow Living This Spring


Spring is officially here in the Northern Hemisphere - the days are getting warmer, the nights are getting shorter and there’s so much more time for activities! But, if you have found yourself overloading your to-do list, digging yourself into a Youtube/TikTok/Instagram hole, or otherwise filling your time with things that feel draining or unfulfilling, you may miss the magic of the changing seasons in the rush of modern day living. We know, we’ve been there!

While perpetual busyness might feel productive, it will usually leave you overstimulated, burned out and feeling like there’s no time to do the things you actually love (if I ignore my screen-time notifications, the hours I spent deep diving some obscure part of the internet don’t count, right?). 

At Rise Centered we love the concept of “slow living”: a mindful movement away from the hustle and bustle and towards stillness and intentionality. It’s why our Sunrise Alarm Clock doesn’t need wifi, bluetooth or an app to wake you up, keeping your mornings distraction and phone free, so you can connect with the rituals, people and places you love (while also supporting your circadian rhythm). 

Slow living encourages us to put our devices down, soak in the sunlight (with SPF of course) and allow ourselves to truly be here and now. If that sounds as good to you as it does to us, join us for a slow spring this season! We created a Spring Slow Living Menu below with ideas and inspiration to get you started. 




  • Skip social media for a morning and journal, stretch or cuddle with a pet instead (if they’ll let you).
  • Look at your to-do list and see what you can take off. Keep spaces open for activities you love but can’t find time for.

  • Go for a walk, but leave your phone and headphones at home. Practice presence by listening to the sounds of the birds, feeling your footsteps on the ground and noticing how movement feels in your body.

  • Head outside first thing for some morning sunshine without distraction, and enjoy the natural lift in your mood and alertness.

  • Carve out time to call or spend time with someone you love - without the distraction of your device!

  • Set a time limit for the media you consume for a day, or try a social media break for 24 hours.

  • When you notice yourself reaching for your devices, Set a timer for 20 minutes and do nothing. Let yourself feel bored, it’s great for your brain!

Let’s make the most of spring this year by prioritizing being here, fully. We will be with you every step of the way. 


Here’s to a slow spring,

The Rise Centered Team


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